It’s that time of year again! After the holidays have passed and the new year has begun, many people make New Year’s resolutions. Millions of people make these goals because they see the new year as a fresh start! Every year, the list of most popular resolutions invariably includes health-related aspirations with losing weight, eating healthier, exercising more, or improving my health regularly making the top ten. By far, the most common resolution is weight loss.
Many people resolve to lose weight and will spend January trying to eat a better diet, giving up junk food and sodas, exercising more, and even working out at the gym a few times each week. Despite the best of intentions, once the excitement of the new year wears off, many people’s resolve wavers and they struggle to achieve their goals. Studies show that nearly 80% of health-related New Year’s resolutions will be abandoned by February. The success rate for those who don’t make a resolution is even lower, with only about 4% of non-resolvers successfully achieving their goals.
With these bleak statistics in mind, how do you go about achieving your health goals? The following actions will increase your chances of success include the following:
1. Set a goal that motivates you and realize that you can improve your health at any time, not just as a New Year’s resolution. If you haven’t been successful up to this point, do not get discouraged. Today is just as good as any other day to start anew.
2. Focus on ONE goal at a time. We all have things we want to change and improve but don’t resolve to lose weight, stop smoking, run 3 miles a day, and become a vegetarian all at the same time. Pick the most important goal and, once you have accomplished that one, then focus on the next goal.
3. Set a SMART goal. SMART stands for Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-Based. Using this system will increase your chances of achieving your goal. Instead of “I am going to lose weight” you might be more specific and say “I am going to lose 20 pounds before my daughter’s wedding on June 1 because I want to feel great in my dress and love the way I look in our photos.” You can break the big goal into smaller chunks by focusing on losing 5 pounds per month. Reaching the smaller goals gives you a feeling of accomplishment and helps you crush your big goal!
4. Imagine how you will feel when you achieve your goal. You might ask yourself “What will I be able to do that I cannot do now?” and “How will my life improve?”
5. Don’t repeat the past. If you have tried to reach a goal in the past but didn’t succeed, ask yourself what worked and what didn’t work. Alter your approach and you are more likely to succeed.
Following these rules and seeking assistance from a provider who can assist you in realizing your goals is key to your success!